Monday, April 13, 2009

Cutting my own hair - Chapter 6

Tip Number 4 - Keep it simple - This should be obvious, but is it not always the case. Do not try to take a head of hair from long, past the shoulders to short and sassy as your first cut. Start with little things. Trim a pair of sideburns. Clean up a neckline. Shorten some bangs. Try small, simple things first. As you become more familiar with the use of the tools and the way hair responds you can ease your way into complete hair cuts and more complicated makeovers.

I trimmed just my sideburns first. Then I got bold and tapered just the front corners. This is why the recent haircut was such a big deal. Even with 21 years of professional experience, 2 licenses, barber and cosmetology, and 3 world haircutting records a full self haircut was to be a big deal for me. BTW, I did not event try to trim and clean up my own neckline. That task was delegated to my wife. For this cut I was to cut most of it. Most of it, that is, except for the front edge. I will not likely need the front edge cut until the beginning of the second Obama administration. This was the biggest whoops of the last paid haircut. His final cut, so to speak, was to comb the front edge straight down and lop it off. The front edge is ALWAYS the longest hair on my head. At least that is how it is supposed to be.

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