Saturday, July 22, 2006

Voice mail

I am not available to take your call right now…Please leave a message at the beep…We already know that! I recently read in Jeffrey Gitomer’s 12.5 Principles of Sales Success (highly recommended) that if you have this on your voice mail you are wasting a huge marketing opportunity…I have vowed not to let this opportunity slip away…I am getting great feedback from my new voice mail messages…Try a few for yourself…have a listen to mine for inspiration…I change the message every Sunday night. Sales are up..coincidence?...I think not!

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Suggested Reading

Have you read any good books lately? I read a lot. I mostly read sales, business, biographical…non fiction titles. When I come across a really god one I like to pass it along. Our sales team was recently gifted a great little book called Jeffery Gitomer’s Little Red Book of Selling.. If you sell anything…And we all are selling something…this book CAN change your life, your sales, your income and your outlook. Give it a look.