Monday, November 30, 2009

World Haircutting record Quiz

I found this fun thing on the web over the holiday weekend. I created the Ivan Zoot, ClipperGuy, Andis Guinness World haircutting record quiz. Take the quiz. See how well you know me and Andis and the Guinness World haircutting records. Just for fun.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Andis/ Ivan Zoot vocab word of the week, the letter V

Welcome to week 47, 2009. The letter of the week is V. The word of the week is Visual Blend.
Visual Blend – The appearance of a blended transition in a hairstyle. Due to factors such as color and texture, a blended area may appear not to really blend. In this circumstance, the cut should be tailored to appear to blend even if it does not in fact technically blend. basically the idea here is... sometimes it REALLY blends... sometimes it looks like it blends, but upon close inspection... it really does not. So, ask yourself... Is it important for the cut to blend? or is it important for the cut to LOOK blended... there are many times that many haircutters get so tied up in making it REALLY blend that they lose sight of the idea that it is all about how it looks... not how it really is... sometimes the idea is for it to blend... most of the time it is about looking that way... and some times the goal is for it to look NOT blended... but do not get me started on that today.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Guy Kawasaki, Reality Check, read this book

Guy Kawasaki, RealityCheck, bookreview Clipperguy says…
Read this book. You should read this book. I really found a lot of great stuff in here. The book starts out with a lot of info related to seeking venture capital. Not my interest, but I got past that and found the gold here. Info on hiring, firing, promotion, and many other great business ideas. This “Guy” is up there with Seth Godin on my list of “if he writes it I have to read it” writers. Plus, Guy takes his own advice and hires others who know more than him. Several chapters have been provided by colleagues and associates with areas of specialty beyond him. Nice, like getting bonus info. Guy has a web site Short for all topics, he calls it a on line magazine rack. There is much good stuff here too. I look there and read a lot of links. I even twitter the good stuff I find. He makes that easy with a twitter this button right on each article. Great stuff.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bolt barbers in LA

Bolt barbers

ClipperGuy and Andis cut more than the ribbon on the first new barber shop in downtown LA in 50 years!
Spring street and 6th was the place to be last Thurs. for the grand opening of Bolt Barbers in downtown, LA, CA. Andis and I played host to the throngs getting “hawks for Homeless”. The Midnight Mission of LA, a group that works to aid the homeless was the beneficiary of the revenue collected and the Bolt barbers team and I cranked out the clipper cuts. We cut Mohawks, lowhawks, and fauxhawks… and a whole bunch of classic cuts as well. Bolt is Old School, but NEVER old fashioned. It is classic barbering at its best. The Monkey logo rocks. The decor is complete with 10 fully restored 1950’s vintage barber chairs found in a barn in Kansas. A jamming jukebox and monster flat screens provide added vibe and volume. I hope to be back in LA soon to cut more hair here as well as volunteer at the barber shop at the mission to do more great cuts for a good cause.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Andis / Ivan Zoot business building tip of the week, week 46, 2009

Welcome to week 46, 2009.
The Andis / Ivan Zoot business building tip of the week is:
Charge for everything you do – Do not fall into the trap of giving away your time, talent and energy. There is a time and a place for sampling of services to grow your business. Beard trims, bang trims, edge clean-ups all take time and are very good reasons to patronize your business. Giving them away devalues you as a professional. Family members should pay for services during regular business hours. Barter arrangements can be made as long as the trade is fair.
Make sure you are asking for and taking all the $ you are entitled to. be sure to have a full price list posted for all to see. That way there are no surprises. Charge the same prices for all patrons. No one gets left behind when there is a price increase.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week 46 of 2009 brings us Andis / Ivan Zoot vocabulary word of the week in the world of clipper cutting featuring the letter U.
This weeks word is - Underhand Cutting – A clipper cutting technique in which the clipper is held with the hand positioned under the clipper. This technique is preferred for cutting over the crestline in the interior of a haircut. It is the direct opposite of Overhand cutting. This underhand technique is very important for clipper cutter comfort as well as for accurate short interior layering with a clipper. Any time the hair on the top of the head is too short to hold in your fingers it it time to go with underhand clipper position.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The future of barbering in Chicago

Success school, Chicago
ClipperGuy, Ivan Zoot paid an Andis visit to a piece of barber history and future last week. Success Barber School, the great guys from Merrilville, IN are about to open the clinic of their new barber school on Wabash, in the loop in downtown Chicago. From back in the Moler days… barbering education begins in Chicago and it is great to have it back. Under the L tracks. Like it was for many, many years. Classic barbering, classic cuts. This is a milestone in barber history. I am looking forward to visiting again soon and presenting programming to the students. I met the 1st class of students. There are many more to come. Congrats Nancy, Joe, Joe, Jr. and all the Success team!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The 1980's in hair, coming back around...

ClipperGuy says... be aware, the 1980's of hair is on the way back.

Living the 1980’s

I missed the 1980’s in the hair business. I was finishing high school, in college and working in another industry. I did have the hair cut of the day. I do remember and appreciate the styles. I am to get to live them first hand in the coming months and next few years. The 1980’s are back in a big way. Specifically, geometric styles, strong shapes, clippered perimeters and bold texture, asymmetry and disconnection. In the coming weeks and months I will post pictures of looks I see and looks to be seen cutting on your clients. Dig out the old cassette tapes, even an 8 track or two… the 80’s are back!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Andis clipper tip of the week, week 46, 2009

Ivan Zoot ClipperGuy Andis clipper cutting tip of the week, week 46, 2009,
Tip 46 - Wide and Square - Use a wide blade trimmer when blocking necklines. Fewer bites create straighter lines.

Narrower blades are easier to use in tight spaces like around ears. if you want stronger, longer, bolder lines, use longer blades.

A T-Outliner blade is wider than a T-Ejer blade, as an example. both cut super close, but one makes stronger lines. The Outliner blade in the BG detachable series is the biggest/widest available. try that one for big jobs.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Clipper cutting word of the week

The Andis/Ivan Zoot word of the week, letter T, for week 46, 2009 is Taper. ...And an important word this is. A taper is a progression of length in a graduated haircut where length increases from the perimeter towards the interior. The entire barber business is founded on this class haircut structure. If you can taper, you have a career. Different from a fade, a taper is Longer, lower and darker in overall finish than a fade. More on this important word. Since taper is so important I will devote the next few days to expanding on the tpaer topic. Stay tuned.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hair fashion, 2010

Hair fashion 2010 from, salon International, London, UK 2009
I wrote this a few weeks ago and did not post it. No matter. it is still rlelvant.

Several big trends were to be seen at Salon International this past week. They will be seen here in the U.K. in the spring and to follow in the fall of 2010. Bottom line, welcome back to the mid 1980’s. I commented earlier this week on the return of parachute pants… just like the old ones. I saw wide shoulders with shoulder pads as well… on both models as well as attendees. The big hair trends to look forward to and to be sure you have both the skills as well as the tools to execute are… Clippered disconnection, asymmetry big hair on men and women and . Clippered disconnection, that is to say, clipper cut perimeters with interior hair hanging over to obscure a portion of the clippering… not so much the skater cuts of the early 1990’s but more like the geometric shapes of 1985. Asymetry is back in a big way too. Radically short on one side and mid length on the other… Long, smooth and straight is going away. Sure we will still be using out flat irons, but now we will use them for bumping in volume and smoothing out medium lengths. Smaller flat irons will be popular… 3/8” flat irons and 1/2 “ irons will be everywhere.

Friday, November 6, 2009

FREE shaving seminar
have a look here. FREE shaving seminar at a new barber school in Chicago, IL.
I will be there, You?

Open a green salon...

Open a green salon. E how shows you how.
have a look.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Social media, the power, the opportunity...

This is one to watch...The power, The Opportunity, the time to act...
Makes you think. or better... makes you act...

Going green for green...

A list of 200 green initiatives... and Green Salons made the list at... NUMBER 1! What doeas this tell you/me/us about the importance of green initiatives?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

International mohawk day

I did not know there was an international mohawk day. Well, there is... Nov 15. What are your plans? Will you be sporting one? Now is the time to plan for this BIG event. Check out the link. Who knew?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hawks for Homeless, media coverage

More media coverage of the upcoming Hawks for Homeless event. Come out LA, CA to support this great event and get a mohawk, fauxhawk or lowhawk cut by me for a good cause...
See you there.

Cutting it all off - options

Cutting it all off... Consider this option...

Monday, November 2, 2009