Sunday, August 5, 2007

Toughest flat top

I am the king of the flattop haircut, but you already knew that. What you might not have known is that even I can have a tough time cutting a flattop sometimes. Some heads cut easier than others. Some hair texture is easier to flattop than others. I have always believed the right tools are the key. I proved that to myself at this DVD shoot. The new clipper we were featuring for the shoot was more than up to the task. I hit the wall on the comb. Because it is a retail, Andis at Home, DVD I needed to use the comb that came with the clipper in the kit. The comb in the kit was a standard 7” cutting comb, not a clipper comb. The kid was a fine textured blonde, perfect for camera work on a flattop. Not so perfect to be cut with a 7” standard comb. You will really enjoy watching me force this flattop with a small comb. I guess it is a testament to my flattopping ability that I was able to nail the task with the wrong comb. What the world will not see is a ton of extra footage of me fighting to make the haircut happen. Bottom line… it is flat on the top…. And it was cut with the wrong kind of comb, but you knew that too.

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