Monday, October 3, 2011

What it takes to be a barber - C

Another post in the series... what it takes to be a barber.
Consistency in your service delivery.
Consistency in your technical quality.
Consistency in your behavior.
Consistency in all aspects of your professional persona.

Can you deliver the same cut the same way every time?
Can you provide the same client experience time and again?
Can you be the same person all day, every day for client to get to know, count on and expect?

It is not easy. It requires keeping an eye on the goal. Putting the needs and expectations of your customers ahead of your own.

From a technical standpoint consistency is one of the BIG keys to long term client retention and satisfaction.

Even being consistently BAD is better then being hard to pin down with clients not knowing what to expect. Many consistently bad cutters are busy based upon relationship and the worry that no matter how bad things are here... they could be WORSE elsewhere.

Whoever you are and whatever you decide your barber business offerings are to be... just be consistent about it.

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