Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cutting my own hair - Chapter 7

I cut my hair again tonight. I am starting to get the hang of it. You can just now begin to see that my disaster of a haircut is starting to grow out in a positive direction. Today's tip number 5 is actively at work on my project at this point.

Tip Number 5 - Work in Sections - From my live shows one of my popular sayings is, “how do you eat a rhinoceros?” The answer, of course is, “one bite at a time. You have to break it down. The whole head is just too much. One of the first things that professional hair cutters learn is to break haircuts down into small, clean sections. Cut just that single section. Cut it carefully. Cut it well. Then use that section as a guide for the next one. By working in sections you have better control. This is almost part in parcel to tip number 4, Keep it Simple. If each section is just a small haircut, a good full haircut is just made up of a bunch of good little haircuts.

Over the years I have had a few clients on which I never cut a full haircut. They would come in more frequently than most. Each visit we just cut a part of the haircut. Just the top on this visit. Just the sides on the next visit. Just the back the time after that. Four or five visits and we were back to the part we cut five visits ago. I have a feeling that this is how my haircuts are going to go. This time I cut most of it. I am going to take my own good advice and do just single sections at a time over the next few outings.

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